LFC Large Bisbee Pendant
Bisbee turquoise is famed as being one of the finest deposits of turquoise ever to be found in North America and is characterised by it’s strikingly rich, light blue colour. It’s is said that Bisbee turquoise is incomparable to any other turquoise on the planet for it’s unique and unusual qualities. The matrix which run’s thought the mineral changes from chocolate brown to slate colour and emphasises the true beauty of the colour.
The Bisbee mine itself was founded in 1870 and produced huge amount of natural minerals until it’s closure in 1975, by which time it had become the richest mine in the world producing huge amounts of copper, silver a gold lead and zinc. Along with this huge deposits of ore Bisbee also produced a variety of mineral gem stones, though these were not mined by the company and discarded as a by product in large dumps.
In the 1950’s the largest deposit of turquoise was discovered and discarded, which only became available and recognised by miners smuggling small amounts of turquoise out and onto the market, though it was prohibited by the mining company. By the 1960’s Bisbee turquoise was highly prized and deemed as the finest turquoise ever seen with demand for the gem stone at a peak a small operation of turquoise mining was allowed at the site, though this was very limited and wheeled only small amounts. There is very little Bisbee turquoise available on the market, and due to it’s incredible colour and unique properties it is highly sought after by collectors.